Insistent notifications that appear from the WhatsApp group sometimes become a problem for you. Super safe with the following two steps, here's how to leave the WhatsApp group without any notification.
Cannot be filtered, because it's so open and allows anyone to add you to the WhatsApp group, you don't seem to have the option to leave and don't want to join the group.
Usually, the reason someone decides to leave the WhatsApp group is because they are interrupted by notifications that keep coming in nonstop. Besides having to be patient with these conditions, you can only activate the group mute feature on WhatsApp.
Another reason you can't leave the WhatsApp group all of a sudden is because you feel awkward with other group members. Remembering when joining a group, you might get together with the boss or parent.
Luckily there are some special tricks to get out of the WhatsApp group without notification, namely by changing the temporary number. This one method is quite easy because it only requires two steps.
The first step in how to leave the WhatsApp group without this notification is to change the temporary number. Next go to the 'Settings' menu on WhatsApp to 'Account' and select the 'Change number' option.
Follow each command in the selection, then replace your WhatsApp number with the temporary number earlier. After each step you successfully do, you will be registered in the WhatsApp group with a new number.
The second step is to delete all existing data. If everything works, all you have to do is change the number to the old one and repeat the steps in the WhatsApp list as before.
Keep in mind, you have to give a break for 15 minutes before changing the new number to the old number on WhatsApp.
To make life safer and more comfortable, follow the way out of the WhatsApp group without the above notification.
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