PUBG Treasure Hunt - Recently an announcement came from the PUBG Mobile game. Tencent Games as the developer of PUBG Mobile will hold a tournament called Global Treasure Hunt along with other events such as Infection Labyrinth, PMCO Global Split and others.

The treasure hunt tournament consists of four stages. Each stage in the search for treasure takes place on four different maps.

Then each stage there will be seven levels and each level has two missions. The first stage available to play is Erangel.

PUBG Treasure Hunt: PMCO Fall Split Global Finals Tickets 2019

The Global Treasure Hunt event will last until 20 September. The opening mission is very well organized, so that only one stage can be opened in a day.

The winner of the event will be given a progress reward to raise levels and clothes. In addition, after completing the mission the players can also enter the prize draw section.

If you can complete all the missions in one stage, then you will be rewarded with a world trip. Meanwhile, the most interesting part of the Global Treasure Hunt is a $ 1 million prize to attend the 2019 Fall Split Global Finals PMCO.

The number of winners to be chosen at the Global Treasure Hunt event has not been disclosed with certainty. Certainly, the prize winner of $ 1 million is only for player travel expenses and is non-transferable.

So, prizes received can only be used to attend the 2019 PUBG Mobile Club Open Fall Split Global Finals tournament.

Ways and Stages of the Global Treasure Hunt
How to Play Global Treasure Hunt:

Open the PUBG Mobile Application
Click the gift box icon that you see at the bottom right of the event section
Then in the upper right corner there will be three tabs namely, theme, limited time and returner.
Click on the limited time section and select the Global Treasure Hunt tab.
Click 'Go' to direct to the Global Treasure Hunt event.
When clicking Erangel will take the player to the first mission in Zharki.

That is our discussion about the Treasure Hunt PUBG Ticket PMCO Fall Split Global Finals 2019. Hopefully this discussion can be useful for you.

PUBG Treasure Hunt: PMCO Fall Split Global Finals Tickets 2019

PUBG Treasure Hunt - Recently an announcement came from the PUBG Mobile game. Tencent Games as the developer of PUBG Mobile will hold a tournament called Global Treasure Hunt along with other events such as Infection Labyrinth, PMCO Global Split and others.

The treasure hunt tournament consists of four stages. Each stage in the search for treasure takes place on four different maps.

Then each stage there will be seven levels and each level has two missions. The first stage available to play is Erangel.

PUBG Treasure Hunt: PMCO Fall Split Global Finals Tickets 2019

The Global Treasure Hunt event will last until 20 September. The opening mission is very well organized, so that only one stage can be opened in a day.

The winner of the event will be given a progress reward to raise levels and clothes. In addition, after completing the mission the players can also enter the prize draw section.

If you can complete all the missions in one stage, then you will be rewarded with a world trip. Meanwhile, the most interesting part of the Global Treasure Hunt is a $ 1 million prize to attend the 2019 Fall Split Global Finals PMCO.

The number of winners to be chosen at the Global Treasure Hunt event has not been disclosed with certainty. Certainly, the prize winner of $ 1 million is only for player travel expenses and is non-transferable.

So, prizes received can only be used to attend the 2019 PUBG Mobile Club Open Fall Split Global Finals tournament.

Ways and Stages of the Global Treasure Hunt
How to Play Global Treasure Hunt:

Open the PUBG Mobile Application
Click the gift box icon that you see at the bottom right of the event section
Then in the upper right corner there will be three tabs namely, theme, limited time and returner.
Click on the limited time section and select the Global Treasure Hunt tab.
Click 'Go' to direct to the Global Treasure Hunt event.
When clicking Erangel will take the player to the first mission in Zharki.

That is our discussion about the Treasure Hunt PUBG Ticket PMCO Fall Split Global Finals 2019. Hopefully this discussion can be useful for you.

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