Presence of pirates in PUBG Mobile can be interpreted there is soon a new event. In his latest event called The Voyage Rich Rewards. With this, PUBG Mobile gamers will have to look for treasure in the form of Golden Compass. These items can later be exchanged into permanent weapon skinss and a variety of others attractive prizes.

We have summarized Six  locations where you can find the Golden Compass, just read the following review about PUBG Compass:

Location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compass PUBG

Location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compass PUBG

Chimney at Mylta Power

It's quite easy to find, you just go to Mylta Tower and go to a Chimney or Cooling Tower which is arguably very iconic in PUBG Mobile. Later in the right Chimney there will be a mound of earth that has been dug up which will later contain One Golden Compass complete with random Equipment.

Collapsed Buildings in Ruins

Go to the collapsed building on the hill, there will be a path next to the river to access this hidden mound. Later he would be inside a collapsed building complete with Golden Compass and random equipment.

Airplane Framework in Shooting Range

Near the Shooting Range must have known the crash site. Well, at the front of the plane there will be a mound of earth that will give you Golden Compass and random equipment.

Separate Island at Ferry Pier

In the Ferry Pier area, you know there is a small island separated from Erangel. Near the wooden tower there will be a mound of land that you can check to get a Golden Compass.

Wooden Bridge in Quarry

There is a wooden bridge in the Quarry to the right of this quarry, go down the wooden bridge, then you will find a mound of land that contains the Golden Compass.

Thus the discussion about the location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compas at PUBG Mobile. You can find the Golden Compass on the Erangel map, exchange it for attractive prizes including the Vector-Silver Plate skin permanently.

Find Location PUBG Golden Compass, Silver and Bronze Compass

Presence of pirates in PUBG Mobile can be interpreted there is soon a new event. In his latest event called The Voyage Rich Rewards. With this, PUBG Mobile gamers will have to look for treasure in the form of Golden Compass. These items can later be exchanged into permanent weapon skinss and a variety of others attractive prizes.

We have summarized Six  locations where you can find the Golden Compass, just read the following review about PUBG Compass:

Location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compass PUBG

Location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compass PUBG

Chimney at Mylta Power

It's quite easy to find, you just go to Mylta Tower and go to a Chimney or Cooling Tower which is arguably very iconic in PUBG Mobile. Later in the right Chimney there will be a mound of earth that has been dug up which will later contain One Golden Compass complete with random Equipment.

Collapsed Buildings in Ruins

Go to the collapsed building on the hill, there will be a path next to the river to access this hidden mound. Later he would be inside a collapsed building complete with Golden Compass and random equipment.

Airplane Framework in Shooting Range

Near the Shooting Range must have known the crash site. Well, at the front of the plane there will be a mound of earth that will give you Golden Compass and random equipment.

Separate Island at Ferry Pier

In the Ferry Pier area, you know there is a small island separated from Erangel. Near the wooden tower there will be a mound of land that you can check to get a Golden Compass.

Wooden Bridge in Quarry

There is a wooden bridge in the Quarry to the right of this quarry, go down the wooden bridge, then you will find a mound of land that contains the Golden Compass.

Thus the discussion about the location of PUBG Golden Compass, Silver Compass and Bronze Compas at PUBG Mobile. You can find the Golden Compass on the Erangel map, exchange it for attractive prizes including the Vector-Silver Plate skin permanently.

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