Play Youtube in Background iOS - Today we carry our iPhones wherever we go, because the number of things we can do with our smartphones is getting bigger. They are no longer a simple device that can be used to call and receive messages, but you can also view photos and videos, open social media or even listen to music.

Listening to music from our mobile has become commonplace, because thanks to our device we can connect YouTube or Spotify for example, and play our favorite songs.

Many times we connect our headphones to the phone, but at other times we want music to play on the speaker while we do other activities with cellphones such as access to our social networks.

How To Play Youtube In Background iOS

This will be your problem like on YouTube, because when you leave the Youtube application then the music on Youtube stops playing. Don't worry, because below we explain all the steps you must follow to find out how to listen to YouTube music, leaving the browser on the iPhone with iOS 13.

The first thing you have to do is sign in from the Chrome browser on the YouTube page. Now select the three dot icon at the bottom.

The next thing you have to do is select the "Request a site for computers" section

After you have the PC version of YouTube on the iPhone, you have to search for videos or playlists and press the Play button.

You will see that the video starts playing. Now you must exit the browser.

Now you can start playing this list or song, by lowering the notification screen and pressing the Play button from the iPhone player.

This way you can listen to songs or lists that you choose YouTube, without having to be in a browser and can access other content on the cellphone during playback.

How To Play Youtube Music In Background iOS

Play Youtube in Background iOS - Today we carry our iPhones wherever we go, because the number of things we can do with our smartphones is getting bigger. They are no longer a simple device that can be used to call and receive messages, but you can also view photos and videos, open social media or even listen to music.

Listening to music from our mobile has become commonplace, because thanks to our device we can connect YouTube or Spotify for example, and play our favorite songs.

Many times we connect our headphones to the phone, but at other times we want music to play on the speaker while we do other activities with cellphones such as access to our social networks.

How To Play Youtube In Background iOS

This will be your problem like on YouTube, because when you leave the Youtube application then the music on Youtube stops playing. Don't worry, because below we explain all the steps you must follow to find out how to listen to YouTube music, leaving the browser on the iPhone with iOS 13.

The first thing you have to do is sign in from the Chrome browser on the YouTube page. Now select the three dot icon at the bottom.

The next thing you have to do is select the "Request a site for computers" section

After you have the PC version of YouTube on the iPhone, you have to search for videos or playlists and press the Play button.

You will see that the video starts playing. Now you must exit the browser.

Now you can start playing this list or song, by lowering the notification screen and pressing the Play button from the iPhone player.

This way you can listen to songs or lists that you choose YouTube, without having to be in a browser and can access other content on the cellphone during playback.

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