Upgrade Weapons In PUBG Mobile - In playing PUBG Mobile, weapons are needed to shoot each enemy. Therefore, it is not surprising that players often look for information about upgrading weapons to be used as fully as possible. However, how to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile? Actually the way is quite easy and simple, which can be done automatically. However, it is also necessary to look for some material that must be obtained to be able to upgrade the weapon. In addition, the way to set up your own mobile PUBG weapons also needs to be taken into account so that later in the shoot strategy can be maximized.

If later you are able to do how to set up a mobile PUBG weapon properly, of course you can get some weapons that have very good shot quality. So that you can defeat enemies more easily. Besides that the way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons itself is quite simple, where you can search for gun lab. Because in this gun lab can help to upgrade your weapon. Where before upgrading weapons certainly thirsty to understand how to manage mobile PUBG weapons.

How to Manage PUBG Mobile Weapons by Utilizing a Lab Gun

How to set up mobile PUBG weapons is actually quite simple and can determine victory in play. Therefore, you need to know new features to be used as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons. The new feature to be able to upgrade these weapons is the gun lab. Where with this gun lab later you can make weapons more interesting with the presence of several new effects. So that it can make the way to set PUBG weapons to the maximum.

Here's How To Upgrade Weapons In PUBG Mobile

The new feature called gun lab is already present in the PUBG Mobile game to serve as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons, and to try out the feature, you can enter by selecting the M416 image found in the middle of the screen in Lucky Treasures.

The Lucky Treasures event which brings these new features. Later you can make it as a way to arrange weapons in accordance with the skin used.

Each skin from some of these events will be upgraded to the gun lab so that it will have better functions later. For now there are a total of 7 Rank Upgrade levels contained in a weapon.

For how to upgrade your own PUBG mobile weapon, you will have to collect material in the form of material for use on the weapon.

In addition you also need to paint with a predetermined amount so that later in the upgrading becomes successful.

How to Obtain Materials and Paint to Upgrade

Talking about setting up PUBG mobile weapons and also how to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons, you should be able to get material items and also paint. It also knows how to set up PUBG weapons. Therefore you still need to be careful in looking for it.

For now, obtaining upgrade items in the form of material and paint are required to play the Lucky Treasures event.
Then feel good about an upgrade item like this paint itself, then you can buy it at the Shop. For the price itself is 40 UC, but for this material can only be obtained if you have played Lucky Treasures now.

Upgrade Results for Each Weapon Rank Level

How to upgrade upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile themselves do need some things that need to be done. So you still have to be thorough and want to learn how to set up the weapon itself. When talking about upgrading weapons, then for M416 Glacier in each level rank of upgrading a weapon is only changing the skin or the effect when using it. For the results of how to set up PUBG weapons or how to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile themselves are as follows:

Level 1 gets an ordinary skin.
Level 2 obtains the smoke effect after killing enemies.
Level 3 gets an upgrade skin.
Level 4 gets the message kill effect.
Level 5 gains effect when an enemy is shot.
Level 6 gets the ultimate skin.
Level 7 gains the enemy loot crate effect.

Similarly, some information about how to set up mobile PUBG weapons in order to provide maximum results in attacking the enemy. In addition, to be able to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile, then the way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons that must be done is by the gun lab. Where the gun lab has items that can be used as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons.

Here's How To Upgrade Weapons In PUBG Mobile

Upgrade Weapons In PUBG Mobile - In playing PUBG Mobile, weapons are needed to shoot each enemy. Therefore, it is not surprising that players often look for information about upgrading weapons to be used as fully as possible. However, how to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile? Actually the way is quite easy and simple, which can be done automatically. However, it is also necessary to look for some material that must be obtained to be able to upgrade the weapon. In addition, the way to set up your own mobile PUBG weapons also needs to be taken into account so that later in the shoot strategy can be maximized.

If later you are able to do how to set up a mobile PUBG weapon properly, of course you can get some weapons that have very good shot quality. So that you can defeat enemies more easily. Besides that the way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons itself is quite simple, where you can search for gun lab. Because in this gun lab can help to upgrade your weapon. Where before upgrading weapons certainly thirsty to understand how to manage mobile PUBG weapons.

How to Manage PUBG Mobile Weapons by Utilizing a Lab Gun

How to set up mobile PUBG weapons is actually quite simple and can determine victory in play. Therefore, you need to know new features to be used as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons. The new feature to be able to upgrade these weapons is the gun lab. Where with this gun lab later you can make weapons more interesting with the presence of several new effects. So that it can make the way to set PUBG weapons to the maximum.

Here's How To Upgrade Weapons In PUBG Mobile

The new feature called gun lab is already present in the PUBG Mobile game to serve as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons, and to try out the feature, you can enter by selecting the M416 image found in the middle of the screen in Lucky Treasures.

The Lucky Treasures event which brings these new features. Later you can make it as a way to arrange weapons in accordance with the skin used.

Each skin from some of these events will be upgraded to the gun lab so that it will have better functions later. For now there are a total of 7 Rank Upgrade levels contained in a weapon.

For how to upgrade your own PUBG mobile weapon, you will have to collect material in the form of material for use on the weapon.

In addition you also need to paint with a predetermined amount so that later in the upgrading becomes successful.

How to Obtain Materials and Paint to Upgrade

Talking about setting up PUBG mobile weapons and also how to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons, you should be able to get material items and also paint. It also knows how to set up PUBG weapons. Therefore you still need to be careful in looking for it.

For now, obtaining upgrade items in the form of material and paint are required to play the Lucky Treasures event.
Then feel good about an upgrade item like this paint itself, then you can buy it at the Shop. For the price itself is 40 UC, but for this material can only be obtained if you have played Lucky Treasures now.

Upgrade Results for Each Weapon Rank Level

How to upgrade upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile themselves do need some things that need to be done. So you still have to be thorough and want to learn how to set up the weapon itself. When talking about upgrading weapons, then for M416 Glacier in each level rank of upgrading a weapon is only changing the skin or the effect when using it. For the results of how to set up PUBG weapons or how to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile themselves are as follows:

Level 1 gets an ordinary skin.
Level 2 obtains the smoke effect after killing enemies.
Level 3 gets an upgrade skin.
Level 4 gets the message kill effect.
Level 5 gains effect when an enemy is shot.
Level 6 gets the ultimate skin.
Level 7 gains the enemy loot crate effect.

Similarly, some information about how to set up mobile PUBG weapons in order to provide maximum results in attacking the enemy. In addition, to be able to upgrade weapons in PUBG Mobile, then the way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons that must be done is by the gun lab. Where the gun lab has items that can be used as a way to upgrade PUBG mobile weapons.

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