PUBG Status Servers Are Too Busy - Fun of playing Mobile PUBG games on smartphones can make users feel at home, even many who forget the time. But what happens if when you want to play a notification appears repeatedly in the form of a warning that the PUBG server is too busy, finally we can not get into the lobby or start the game.

The PUBG mobile game sequence when in the lobby, players must press the Start button and the characters will gather in the Respawn area with a waiting time of 60 seconds until there are 100 complete players before the battle is actually carried out by starting to jump from the plane using a parachute. In the waiting time we can use to recognize the enemy figure, try or change a few control buttons, or even look around the building area.

The problem is, when in the lobby or while in respawn the waiting time there is a notification that always comes out informing you that the server time is up, or the PUBG server is too busy. Finally the player cannot continue the game.

PUBG Servers Are Too Busy And How To Resolve It

Not only because of internet connection problems that are the cause of the notification server time is up or the PUBG server is too busy. We refer to several causes and how to overcome them below.

Internet Connection Problems

Not only in the PUBG lobby can the server notification appear interrupted or time runs out, but when it is cool to fight suddenly the connection is not connected even though the player character can still be moved or even stuck.

One of the most important things in online gaming is a stable, smooth internet data connection and recommended bandwidth.

When we use a data connection via a cellular card or WiFi, then suddenly disconnected for a few seconds can not be a problem. But if the internet connection is unstable and repeatedly disconnected, PUBG games will need time to sync data again even though the game is in progress.

So make sure if you use cellular data with a good signal and at least a 3G / H-Plus connection. It's more advisable to use a WiFi network because the Ping value and data transfer are smoother.

Server PING Value Too Large

Server selection also affects the Ping Data Value with our own smartphone. The higher the value, the more slow and halting the PUBG game that finally there is a notification that the server time is up.

For PUBG players in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and surrounding areas it is recommended to choose Asian Server when the internet connection on the smartphone is not stable.

When the PUBG combat game starts, you can see a small signal icon in the lower left corner next to it, there are numeric digits in units of milliseconds (ms), that is the PING value between the server and the cellphone we are using.

The smaller the PING value, the smoother the game without Lag (No lagging), Although the game lag problem can also be caused by graphics settings that do not fit the specifications of the device we use.

For example, when playing in PUBG your PING value is between 30ms to 60ms, including smoothly. But if Ping is above 150ms or even values ​​above 200ms and tends to fluctuate up and down, it can cause a lag game and finally the Time Out Server notification appears.

Close Other Open Applications

Often PUBG Game players forget to close other applications that were previously opened and require data, such as just opening Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Games or other applications.

In addition to making the RAM work harder, the Recent app or application that we just opened and just closed by pressing the Home button will still use RAM and internet data connections in the system background.

The amount of internet bandwidth required for some of these applications will reduce the amount of bandwidth and data transfer rates when the PUBG Mobile game is running.

When internet speed on a mediocre cellphone, of course, synchronizing data to the PUBG server will also be hampered, as well as high PING values.

The solution is if you have an internet connection with a small bandwidth and are deemed unstable, clean or close the recent app first so that the priority of bandwidth and and internet data can be maximized when playing PUBG.

PUBG Servers Are Too Busy And How To Resolve It

Repeat opening the PUBG Game

If you believe the internet connection is smooth by first trying to open several social media applications or playing videos on YouTube, try exiting the PUBG game and then reopening.

This method often succeeds in overcoming the problem of the PUBG server being too busy even though the internet on the mobile is smooth. And not only in the PUBG game, all applications that require internet and fail to sync data, can close the application then reopen it to 'fish' re-sync the data connection.

Repair of PUBG Installation

There is a "Fix" or Repair menu in the PUBG game when we first open it. It is located in the row in the upper right corner.

Where the "fix" menu serves to repair and patch damaged or missing files so that the PUBG game can be used smoothly again.

Because the size of a standard PUBG Mobile Game file (not the Lite version) is large above 2GB, it is not uncommon for some important files to be lost for a number of reasons and cause the file to not load during the loading process.

So it is not necessary to reinstall the PUBG game from the beginning, there is no need to uninstall it then install it again, just use the "repair" or repair menu feature that appears the first time you load this game.

PUBG Server Too Busy

Not all causes of loading failures or notifications on mobile about PUBG server problems are too busy or the server time is up due to the application or the user's mobile device. PUBG servers or data centers that are overloaded or busy handling data flow can also cause this.

If this happens, of course as users we must be patient waiting for space to get into the server. Generally there is a notification on the screen if PUBG cannot be accessed due to server technical problems, so users won't ask questions because they already know the answer.

That is the solution to overcome the problem of PUBG servers too busy on Android devices, hopefully by following our guidelines above can solve problems about PUBG servers being too busy.

PUBG Servers Are Too Busy And How To Resolve It

PUBG Status Servers Are Too Busy - Fun of playing Mobile PUBG games on smartphones can make users feel at home, even many who forget the time. But what happens if when you want to play a notification appears repeatedly in the form of a warning that the PUBG server is too busy, finally we can not get into the lobby or start the game.

The PUBG mobile game sequence when in the lobby, players must press the Start button and the characters will gather in the Respawn area with a waiting time of 60 seconds until there are 100 complete players before the battle is actually carried out by starting to jump from the plane using a parachute. In the waiting time we can use to recognize the enemy figure, try or change a few control buttons, or even look around the building area.

The problem is, when in the lobby or while in respawn the waiting time there is a notification that always comes out informing you that the server time is up, or the PUBG server is too busy. Finally the player cannot continue the game.

PUBG Servers Are Too Busy And How To Resolve It

Not only because of internet connection problems that are the cause of the notification server time is up or the PUBG server is too busy. We refer to several causes and how to overcome them below.

Internet Connection Problems

Not only in the PUBG lobby can the server notification appear interrupted or time runs out, but when it is cool to fight suddenly the connection is not connected even though the player character can still be moved or even stuck.

One of the most important things in online gaming is a stable, smooth internet data connection and recommended bandwidth.

When we use a data connection via a cellular card or WiFi, then suddenly disconnected for a few seconds can not be a problem. But if the internet connection is unstable and repeatedly disconnected, PUBG games will need time to sync data again even though the game is in progress.

So make sure if you use cellular data with a good signal and at least a 3G / H-Plus connection. It's more advisable to use a WiFi network because the Ping value and data transfer are smoother.

Server PING Value Too Large

Server selection also affects the Ping Data Value with our own smartphone. The higher the value, the more slow and halting the PUBG game that finally there is a notification that the server time is up.

For PUBG players in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and surrounding areas it is recommended to choose Asian Server when the internet connection on the smartphone is not stable.

When the PUBG combat game starts, you can see a small signal icon in the lower left corner next to it, there are numeric digits in units of milliseconds (ms), that is the PING value between the server and the cellphone we are using.

The smaller the PING value, the smoother the game without Lag (No lagging), Although the game lag problem can also be caused by graphics settings that do not fit the specifications of the device we use.

For example, when playing in PUBG your PING value is between 30ms to 60ms, including smoothly. But if Ping is above 150ms or even values ​​above 200ms and tends to fluctuate up and down, it can cause a lag game and finally the Time Out Server notification appears.

Close Other Open Applications

Often PUBG Game players forget to close other applications that were previously opened and require data, such as just opening Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Games or other applications.

In addition to making the RAM work harder, the Recent app or application that we just opened and just closed by pressing the Home button will still use RAM and internet data connections in the system background.

The amount of internet bandwidth required for some of these applications will reduce the amount of bandwidth and data transfer rates when the PUBG Mobile game is running.

When internet speed on a mediocre cellphone, of course, synchronizing data to the PUBG server will also be hampered, as well as high PING values.

The solution is if you have an internet connection with a small bandwidth and are deemed unstable, clean or close the recent app first so that the priority of bandwidth and and internet data can be maximized when playing PUBG.

PUBG Servers Are Too Busy And How To Resolve It

Repeat opening the PUBG Game

If you believe the internet connection is smooth by first trying to open several social media applications or playing videos on YouTube, try exiting the PUBG game and then reopening.

This method often succeeds in overcoming the problem of the PUBG server being too busy even though the internet on the mobile is smooth. And not only in the PUBG game, all applications that require internet and fail to sync data, can close the application then reopen it to 'fish' re-sync the data connection.

Repair of PUBG Installation

There is a "Fix" or Repair menu in the PUBG game when we first open it. It is located in the row in the upper right corner.

Where the "fix" menu serves to repair and patch damaged or missing files so that the PUBG game can be used smoothly again.

Because the size of a standard PUBG Mobile Game file (not the Lite version) is large above 2GB, it is not uncommon for some important files to be lost for a number of reasons and cause the file to not load during the loading process.

So it is not necessary to reinstall the PUBG game from the beginning, there is no need to uninstall it then install it again, just use the "repair" or repair menu feature that appears the first time you load this game.

PUBG Server Too Busy

Not all causes of loading failures or notifications on mobile about PUBG server problems are too busy or the server time is up due to the application or the user's mobile device. PUBG servers or data centers that are overloaded or busy handling data flow can also cause this.

If this happens, of course as users we must be patient waiting for space to get into the server. Generally there is a notification on the screen if PUBG cannot be accessed due to server technical problems, so users won't ask questions because they already know the answer.

That is the solution to overcome the problem of PUBG servers too busy on Android devices, hopefully by following our guidelines above can solve problems about PUBG servers being too busy.

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