Battle Point in Mobile Legends game or usually referred to as BP is one of the payment instruments used to buy heroes or other important items. Aside from Diamonds and Tickets, Battle Points are indeed very important in the Mobile Legends game.
Having enough Battle Points is an advantage for us to be able to directly buy and enjoy newly released heroes, one way for the Battle Points that we get quickly to accumulate is to send Battle Points to fellow Mobile Legends players.
By sending Battle Points to friends, the Battle Points we have will not diminish in the slightest. So we don't need to worry about losing Battle Points if we want to take advantage of the phenomena of sending Battle Points to Friends. For friends who are still confused on how to Send Battle Points to Friends at Mobile Legends game can listen to the tutorial below.
Conditions for being able to send battle points to friends are:
- Your Mobile Legends account and the friend you will be sending the Battle Point to must already be associated with a Facebook account.
- You also have to be friends with friends who you will send Battle Points.
- The friend you want to send Battle Point to must be active or open the Mobile Legends game.
- You can only send 1 Battle Point to your friend and as many as 6 friends each day. Actually there aren't many Battle Points to send, only 5 Battle Points per friend. But as recipients at least one day we can add up to 25 Battle Points It's not bad for additional if there is a lack of BP to buy a hero.
How To Send BP In Mobile Legends?
- Open Mobile Legends game
- Check beforehand whether the friend you want to send Battle points to has been friends with you or not, if you haven't sent it, it can't be done, if it's already straight to the next step.
- Tap the 2 people icon below the friends list in the Mobile Legends game.
- After the steps above, you will be directed to FB Friends. After the admin explained above, friends who can be sent Battle Points are only active friends.
- Tap the Yellow Arrow and the Battle Point will automatically be sent to the friend you want to go to.
- For How to Open or Take Battle Points, tell your friends to open a message in the Mobile Legends game and usually the recipient will get a notification that a friend sent a Battle Point.
It's easy, right? That's the discussion about how to send Battle Points to friends on Mobile Legends. We hope this can help you and can increase knowledge in playing Mobile Legends.
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